iceDate Press-Kit / Facts sheet

Nice that you are here!

Here you can find more information about iceDate, including press releases, images, and our logo. You are welcome to use our images in unmodified form. If you would like to use the images in modified form, please send us a preview for approval.

iceDate in the press:

Vegan World iceDate Ein Eis, das nicht nur Menschen und der Umwelt, sondern sogar der Seele guttut

"An ice cream that is not only good for people and the environment, but even for the soul"
Vegan World 2019

Abendzeitung iceDate Eis ganz ohne Milch

"Ice cream without milk"
Evening newspaper 10/31/2015

Süddeutsche Zeitung iceDate Schlecken ohne schlechtes Gewissen "Licking without a bad conscience"
Süddeutsche Zeitung 23.6.2015
 BILD Zeitung Gunther Nann iceDate ich habe Dattel-Eis erfunden  "I invented date ice cream"
Gunther Nann in
BILD newspaper 22.7.2014


iceDate - Milestones:

- 2012
 Genesis of the idea and development of the recipes. Most recipes

originated isolated from civilization on a mountain in Swiss Ticino.


Start of planning for the professional implementation of a vegan-biological
Ice cream production in Munich


Founding of the commercial enterprise, organic certification.

Sale of the first scoop of ice cream at the Tollwood summer festival in Munich.

Won the Tollwood Gastro Award.

Media reports, e.g. Süddeutsche Zeitung, Bayrischer Rundfunk, Bildzeitung, etc.

Opening of the ice cream parlor in Amalienstr. In Munich in August


Appearance at numerous trade fairs and events, such as the Veggie Expo, the Tollwood Summer Festival, Streetlife Festival, etc.

Small cups come onto the market: still filled by hand with a spatula  


Expansion of events and trade fairs to a total of 13 appearances in 2016.


Launch Website

Exhibition at the Biofach in Nuremberg,

Cup production with a small manual filling machine for the first organic shops in Munich and the surrounding area, such as Basic and Vitalia.

Participation in many events outside of Munich


Listing at several organic wholesalers with 3 varieties 400ml-
Becher means that iceDate is available in over 500 health food stores.

Start Online-Shop

Participation in many events across Europe, e.g. in Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam.


The German organic wholesaler expands the service to 5 varieties.

First wholesaler in France

iceDate is available in Germany, Austria, Italy (South Tyrol), France, Belgium, Luxembourg and Slovenia.


Organic stores can now source 6 varieties through organic wholesalers: Almond Vanilla, Dark Chocolate, Mango Sherbet, Salty Peanut, Creamy Berry and Hazel Choc

Opening of a second ice cream parlor in Munich on Klenzestr. 51

iceDate is already available in over 1,000 health food stores.

Acquisition of larger ice machine in order to be able to keep up with the ever-increasing demand. the 


iceDate also produces for Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, and ice cream sweetened with dates is finally available in countries where dates are native.


Launch of two new flavors in a cup: Mango-Passion Fruit and Coffee break.

Founder and "ice cream wizard" Gunther Nann

Gunther Nann Gründer iceDate Eis auf Cashew-Basis, mit Datteln gesüßt.
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"I veganICE the world - one scoop at a time!"
Gunther Nann, founder and owner of iceDate



iceDate can from dealers can be obtained from the following organic wholesalers:

Dennree Bio-Großhandel iceDate veganes Bio-Eis auf Cashew-Basis mit Datteln gesüßt
The dennree Group is the leading wholesaler for organic food and natural cosmetics in German-speaking countries. The company includes the organic wholesaler dennree and the organic specialist retailer Denns BioMarkt. 
Vitafrais Bio-Großhandel iceDate veganes Bio-Eis auf Cashew-Basis, mit Datteln gesüßt Vitafrais is a major player in France, located within the ORGANIC ALLIANCEGroup committed to organic, and has been involved in the development and marketing of fresh organic and organic local products for over 18 years.

Vitafrais is a major player in France, committed to organic within the group ORGANIC ALLIANCE, and has been involved for more than 18 years in the development and marketing of organic fresh produce and organic environmental products.
Weiling Bio-Großhandel iceDate veganes Bio-Eis auf Cashew-Basis, mit Datteln gesüßt Available from Weiling Nord and Weiling Süd.
Weiling supplies the organic trade, but deliberately only independent companies. Weiling is big enough for a full range of over 12,000 items in the very best organic quality. But small enough to remain an independent, family-run business.
iceDate Direct delivery: We are also happy to deliver directly to customers who are not affiliated with one of the above wholesalers.


iceDate can from end customers available from the following dealers:

Basic Bio für alle iceDate veganes Bio-Eis auf Cashew-Basis, mit Datteln gesüßt  

"Organic enjoyment for everyone" - That is the motto of the basic organic supermarkets. Conscious connoisseurs receive a full range of high-quality food here - exclusively in the best and tested organic quality. If you want to feed yourself and your family ecologically, you will find around 12,000 organic products in the branches of what is probably Germany's best-known organic supermarket.

The Basic branches usually have 6 varieties:
Dark Chocolate
Almond Vanilla
Creamy Berry
Mango passion fruit (from April 2022)
Salty Peanut
Hazel Choc

If a variety is missing, it can often be ordered on request, it is worth asking. For reasons of space, some markets only order when you buy 6 cups of one type.

Click here to find one of 21 Basic markets in Germany and Austria.

Denns Bio Markt iceDate veganes Bio-Eis auf Cashew-Basis, mit Datteln gesüßt


Small and large shops, in the city or in the country: Independent organic markets all over Germany have joined forces with Denns BioMarkt.

The large (Denns) organic markets usually have 5 varieties:
Almond Vanilla
Dark chocolate
Creamy berry
Mango passion fruit (from April 2022)
Salty Peanut.

The smaller health food stores often only have almond vanilla and dark chocolate

If a variety is missing, it can often be ordered on request, it is worth asking. For reasons of space, some markets only order when you buy 6 cups of one type.

Click here to find one of the 470 organic markets.

ebl Naturkost bioladen iceDate veganes Bio-Eis auf Cashew-Basis, mit Datteln gesüßt


with ebl "simply live better".
ebl is more than an organic shop or an organic supermarket, ebl is a Franconian organic specialty store - regionally rooted and close to the customers. 

The ebl branches usually have 6 varieties:
Dark Chocolate
Almond Vanilla
Wild Berry
Salty Peanut
Hazel Choc

If a variety is missing, it can often be ordered on request, it is worth asking. For reasons of space, some markets only order when you buy 6 cups of one type.

Click here to find one of 31 ebl natural food markets.
every well-stocked organic shop in Germany, Austria and France

You can find iceDate in every well-stocked health food store. Every health food store can order iceDate from one of the wholesalers mentioned above.
iceDate is missing in the health food store you trust: Just talk to a local employee in the store, maybe iceDate is not yet known locally, and your suggestion will mean that iceDate will soon be on the shelf there. 
What almost every shop does for you, even if they don't have iceDate in their range: They order a whole box (= 6 cups) just for you, often with a discount.


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